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How to solve the problem of reel synchronization shaft fracture?
Release Time:2021-07-15 17:14:10      Hits:154

1. Design reasons

Whether the coupling type is reasonable, whether the torque is satisfied, and whether the R angle is appropriate.

2. Manufacturing reasons

Whether the material is correct, whether there is any defect, whether the processing circle jump is satisfied, whether the R angle processing is in place.

3. Reasons for Arrangement

Whether the shaft extension of the two reels at both ends of the synchronous coupling meets the requirements of the coupling.

Similarly, several group friends proposed several solutions:

1. The electrical control adopts frequency conversion control. Choose two frequency converters, each control a YZP motor, and the two frequency converters can divide the torque equally. The inverter increases the output reactance, and the motor adds a backpack-type cooling fan (although the original motor can not be replaced in this way, it is still recommended to use the YZP series motor).

2. The reducer is equipped with a ratchet and pawl.

3. The motors are in the same batch, and the brakes are in the same batch.

4. Increase the diameter and R angle of the reel shaft, and increase the coupling specifications.

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